
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Product Review: WIN Detergent

Product Review: WIN Detergent

 I've immersed myself into the health and fitness industry to find what are the best products. When looking for products to add to my household, fitness routine, or diet, I first look to see how organic or environmentally sound the product is. While this is the first thing I seire, price it what will make me make the purchase. Fitness doesn't have to be a luxury, however, it sometimes seems that way when you add up workout clothes, products, gym membership, and all the gadgets and gizmos. Luckily, WIN Detergent won't ruin your carbon footprint or put a dent in your wallet.

I  never wash my workout clothes separately from my casual wear because I don't typically sweat a ton, but there is that occasional odor that lingers from a sweaty run or overactive day. So I was eager to try this product and see it it stood up to their logo: Sweat Hard Smell Great. And I have to say, they are right. WIN detergent does a quality job creating a product for everyone, they have created two products. Their blue product is their general cleaner. It has a nice clean  scent, one that is not overpowering and cleans well. I saw no color fading when using this detergent and my clothes have held up well. Their WIN GREEN detergent is what  they should be known for, it has a yellow rating on the Whole Food Eco Scale , is septic safe and approved for HE (High Efficiency) washers. As I mentioned above, I try to be as environmentally safe as I can and often use EWG (Environmental Workers Group) or something similar to see their environmental rating. I find this especially important for items that will be put on your skin, like sunscreen, makeup, or detergents.

WIN detergent is also made in the USA and the bottles are made from recycled plastic.

Good environmental rating
Cleans products well
Not overly fragrant
Made in the USA
Two options
Colors stay bright

None :)
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I received these products compliments of WIN and SweatPink. All opinions are my own.

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